News / 6 mei 2015

Proposed reforms of ISDS in TTIP definitely insufficient

Earlier this week, EU Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmström presented a set of proposals for reforming investment protection standards and the dispute settlement mechanism ISDS (investor-to-state arbitration). The Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B), of which Both ENDS is a member, thinks that Malmström’s proposed adjustments are not far-reaching enough. They will not significantly reform the ISDS system. The organisation has published an analysis report on this.

In the report, S2B mentions several arguments why Malmström’s proposed reforms will not address the key problems of ISDS. For one, the Commissioner has ignored the outcome of the public consultation of last January. The reforms will not tackle the fundamental problems of ISDS, as the risk of European governments being sued by companies would still remain high. In short, S2B strongly opposes the inclusion of an ISDS clause in TTIP.


Both ENDS is a member of S2B and active in its protest against TTIP and ISDS.


Click here for more information about the Seattle to Brussels Network (S2B)


Our earlier news items on TTIP and ISDS:

April 17th 2015: Join the TTIP debate at the Volkshotel in Amsterdam

January 22nd 2015: Broad opposition to the controversial investor-to-state-dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism

July 17th 2014: Juncker against controversial dispute settlement mechanism ISDS as part of EU-US trade agreement TTIP


And on ISDS in other investment agreements:

April 8th 2014: Parliamentary questions about bilateral investment treaties

October 31st 2013: BIT-treaty between the Netherlands and South Africa cancelled

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