News / 20 december 2023

Take a look at all three episodes of The Future We See!

This year Both ENDS hosted a live talk show and video podcast series about inspirational solutions of visionaries and practitioners from around the world. The series showcase how we can transform our economies, food systems and decision-making for a sustainable and just future. Below, you will find compilations of all three shows!

Enjoy watching and/or listening!

November 23rd: Democratic Decision Making

What do really inclusive and democratic decision making processes look like?

Throughout the world, democracy and democratic values are under pressure. Fortunately, a movement in the opposite direction can be seen in many places, too. Counter-movements which ensure that everyone can participate in decision-making, that everyone's voice is important and that decisions are made with support.  We discussed some of these examples with our guests.

For example, what can be the role of citizens' assembly in a democratic system? How did the villagers of Mendha-Lekha, India, succesfully implement  traditional swaraj (self-rule) and how do you organise social movement and impact in a democratic way?

Our guests:

  • Dr. Ozan Alakavuklar - Associate Professor 'Organising social impact´ Utrecht University
  • Dr. Milind Bokil - Indian (Marathi) writer and sociologist and expert on the village of Mendha-Lekha.
  • Mirjam de Pagter - Partner G1000 Citizens Assembly and Founder 'Burgerberaad Academie'

> Watch the show! (or watch the teaser - 5.52 minutes)

 September 28th: Food Systems

What does a food system look like that serves the well-being of people and the planet?

While agriculture and livestock food production in the world have become increasingly large-scale, industrial and ever more efficient for decades, the damage and inequality this food system causes is also becoming increasingly clear. Across the world, more and more people are therefore engaged in alternative, sustainable food production that ensures many generations to come to still have access to fertile, healthy land and clean water. 

In this talkshow, we highlighted some of these examples to fuel the dialogue about this topic.

Our guests:

  • Rosinah Mbenya  - PELUM Kenya (via Zoom)
  • Matt Canfield -  University of Leiden
  • Ida Simonsen - Dutch UN Youth Representative Biodiversity and Food
  • John Arink - Ekoboerderij Arink (biodynamic farmer)

> Watch the show! (or watch the teaser - 3.55 minutes)


 May 25th: Economic systems

What does an economy look like that serves the well-being of people and the planet?

A wide range of great ideas about a transition to sustainable and just economic systems already exist, including ways to get there and examples that show that it is really possible. In this talkshow, we highlight some of these examples and hope to fuel the dialogue about this topic.

Our guests:

  • Jane Nalunga, Director of the Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) Uganda
  • Winne van Woerden, Lead Degrowth and Care Economy, Commons Network.

> Watch the show! (or watch the teaser - 4.50 minutes)

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