News / 17 January 2014

US congress takes landmark decision for rivers and rights

Today, we received some unexpected but positive news: the US congress has instructed the US government to oppose the construction of large dams through international financial institution from now on. The Congress also called for justice for the victims of human rights abuses as a result of the projects of these financial institutions.  The US will oppose any loan, grant, strategy or policy of such institutions supporting the construction of large hydroelectric dams, as defined by the World Commission on Dams.


Years of struggle are paying off

This is a very good step in the right direction! For decades, Both ENDS has been working together with local NGO’s and international networks such as International Rivers to support the struggles of many local communities affected by the construction of large hydro-dams. We feel that the hard work of all these people is finally starting to pay off. A growing number of companies and governments are becoming aware of the potential impacts of the construction of large dams, and of possible alternatives. We hope others will follow the good example of the US Congress!


More information on the decision of the US Congress here

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