News / 14 June 2012

What does ASA from Surinam expect from Rio+20?

<p >The Association of Saramaccan Authorities (ASA) is an organisation consisting of 61 Saramaccan village leaders from Suriname, fighting large scale land rights violations. Logging companies are exerting great pressure on the area and the Surinam government does little about it. ASA campaigns for the protection of the region and the enhancement of inhabitants' influence. We spoke with Hugo Jabini from ASA about his expectations for RIO+20.

What will you do during RIO+20?
"In 2009 I was one of the Goldman Environmental Prize winners. The other prize-winners and I were asked to collectively write an open letter to all world leaders, which we did. In light of the RIO+20 conference we will organise an event to once again call upon all world leaders to make the best effort they can to find a satisfying way to save our world."


What do you expect from RIO+20?
"We are organising huge manifestations and conferences that involve a lot of money, but we are not achieving any results. That money would be put to better use if spent on organisations that directly fund those who need it in order to fight poverty and rights violations. I'm hoping explicit decisions will be made during RIO+20, decisions that are in the world's best interest. Climate change is a fact and negotiations are useless if no one is prepared to give in. We must close the gap between rich and poor in a fair way, and we'll have to be honest to each other. If we are honest, I hope and believe we will be able to achieve something."


Do you think Rio+20 will make a change?
"Agenda21 and the Kyoto protocol will end this December. When I look back at what has been achieved, my conclusion is that barely anything changed. So I wonder, how honest are we? Do we want to wait until the last moment to extend the Kyoto protocol, and create an Agenda2050? Do we want to wait until it all collapses and all we can do is run? I believe it would be better to come to an agreement right now, and decide to truly act in order to make the world a better place."


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