News / 9 maart 2012

World Water Forum 6 in Marseille

Almost a billion people worldwide have to survive without clean drinking water and millions of people don't have proper sanitary provisions. This causes a lot of health risks. Managing water is a source of conflict in many areas and ill water management is one the biggest problems in providing clean water. From 12 until 17 March, Both ENDS will be attending the sixth World Water Forum (WWF) in Marseille which is held every three years since 1997. The theme this year is 'Time for Solutions'. At the WWF, deputies from local communities, together with NGO's, policy makers and companies will be searching for solutions for worldwide water issues.

Human rights and water
The WWF wants to put water higher on the global political agenda to change water policy and at the same time maintain human rights. Through the Online Solutions Platform, solutions are directed and discussed. 180 countries will be attending the Forum and will participate in conferences and in-depth sessions.

Butterfly Effect

Both ENDS believes it's important to involve local communities in the WWF. That's why we're taking part in the so-called 'Butterfly Effect', a cooperation between almost 90 local, national and international NGO's. Through a 'Walk-in for Water' we demand political change that has to put an end to the water crisis.

Citizens Forum
Both ENDS is also organising a 'Citizens Forum', a debate between NGO's and donors to discover in which way local solutions are best brought to the attention of donors, in this way we hope to learn how to make projects interesting for possible financers.

The Drynet network also has an important part in the WWF. Drynet seeks to provide local organisations with the right knowledge and visibility to withstand economic, social and environmental problems that are a result of desertification and land degradation. Meetings will be held and information will be provided in the Drynet tent.


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