News / 10 oktober 2012

“On the ground reporter” game nominated for the “Prix Europa”

The third game in the series “on the ground reporter” was launched in spring this year. Both ENDS’ Nathalie van Haren has a part in the game, in which the food cricis in Uganda is the point of focus. Both ENDS is pleased that this educational game is nominated for the “Prix Europa”, a festival in which the   best television, radio and new media productions are selected by an open jury.

Challenge for youth
“On the ground reporter” teaches young adults about complex issues such as media and citizenship in a challenging way. In the third game, the gamer travels trough Uganda to learn more about the food crisis. Like a true reporter he collects information, reports and thinks about possible solutions.

Nomination “best online production 2012”
The photo-realistic docu-game is nominated for the “Prix Europa”, in the category “Best European TV, Radio or Online Production of 2012”. The ceremony will take place on the 26th of October in Berlin. Themes that are adressed in the Uganda-game include climate change, land grab, intensive agriculture and high food prices. Both ENDS has been working for the last 25 yearsfighting  the causes of hunger and poverty, and promoting sustainable solutions.  Therefore – along with nineteen other social organizations – we are pleased to have a part in this particular game.

350.000 gamers
The game is aimed at high school students In the coming six months, the game will be available to at least 350.000 students, and probably more. .  That’s great, since it’s not only a way to teach youngsters about the causes and consequences of the food crisis, but also to encourage them  to take action.

The serie was developed by Butch & Sundance Media and was created in collaboration with photoyournalistis and reporters of the Dutch Broadcasting Foundation (NOS), the New York Times and the Independent, with support of the Oxfam Novib Grow Fund.

See for more information:

Press release          

Link to the game

The trailer



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