News / 4 april 2012

“Water for Life” awards for environmental organisations

On World Water Day 2012 (22nd of March) the United Nations awarded two environmental organisations with a "Water for Life" award for their efforts to improve water management in their region. Both ENDS' partner Environment Support Group (ESG) received an award in category 1 for "Best water management practices", for a project on protecting the Bangalore lakes in India. A second award was handed out to Soluciones Simples Que Salvan Vidas (Sodis) for developing new communication strategies to improve water management in Bolivia.


The United Nations hands out these awards yearly to stimulate follow-up of international agreements on water issues. Clean water is scarce but the demand keeps increasing exponentially. Agriculture and industry are large-scale consumers of fresh water. Meanwhile over a billion people in development countries are living without clean drinking water or sanitary facilities. To face these issues, goals such as the Millennium Development Goals, Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan for Implementation have been set to prevent technological developments of endangering the ecosystems of local communities.

The "Water for Life" award 2012 emphasizes the theme of World Water Day for this year, "Water and food security". Urbanization around Bangalore, India, caused severe damage to the lakes in the area. By protesting against privatization and giving back control over the lakes to the local inhabitants, the ESG has a positive influence on water and food security in the surrounding areas. An extensive legal plan was drafted in order to protect and conserve the lakes.


Both ENDS is very concerned with water management. It supports ESG with activities and with expanding their network. Examples of strategies related to water that Both ENDS uses in several countries are the ADAPTS program and the Negotiated Approach.

You can find out more about the winning projects here


Photo Flickr: by Dietmut Teijgeman-Hansen.

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