A Path Towards Inclusive (Water) Fora: Proactive Measures for Succes
By Kyra Pohlan and Melvin van der Veen
This document addresses the significant barriers that Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) encounter in participating in international forums, including exclusion from agenda-setting, restricted access to information, and limited civic space. It outlines ideal scenarios for more inclusive, accessible, and safe environments at these events, and provides actionable recommendations to achieve these goals. The role of the Dutch government in supporting these efforts is also highlighted.
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are essential in linking local contexts to global goals, particularly in terms of environmental and social policies. Their participation in international forums ensures diverse perspectives and more effective outcomes, specifically in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, especially grassroots and socio-environmental justice CSOs often face significant barriers, including harassment, exclusion, and intimidation at international conferences, which undermines their influence and participation. The People's Water Forum (PWF) in Bali, Indonesia, highlighted the urgent need to address the obstacles local and environmental CSOs face at (or in parallel to) international events. Incidents of harassment and intimidation were reported, including the disruption of pre-event discussions and the barring of UN Special Rapporteur Pedro Arrojo Agudo from entering the venue. The events at the PWF in Bali do not stand alone, but highlight just one example of the many intimidations and restrictions that CSOs suffer at international conferences worldwide and that motivate the formation of this document.
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