
UNCCD-COP15: How funders can best support agroecological initiatives by local communities in drylands

Join our dialogue on how to set up more and better financial mechanisms that can support agroecological initiatives of local communities living in drylands.

The land degradation neutrality (LDN) response hierarchy of Avoid > Reduce > Reverse land degradation is an overarching principle for LDN implementation, which guides people in planning interventions to achieve LDN. The hierarchy articulates which interventions should be prioritised based on their potential to maximise the conservation of land-based natural capital, recognising that avoiding or reducing land degradation is generally more cost-effective than efforts to reverse past degradation. As value for money is highest in the Avoiding and in Reducing Land Degradation response, a smart way to spend money is to support sustainable land management approaches like agroecology that work with nature, not against it.


In this side event, we would like to facilitate a dialogue between various funding organisations and organisations supporting communities living in drylands around the following questions:

  • What kind of financial support do communities practising agroecology need?
  • What kind of financial support do communities practising agroecology currently get?
  • What are helpful funding criteria and what are hampering criteria for agroecological initiatives in drylands?
  • What kind of agroecological projects do funding oranisations support? What works well in these cooperations and what could be improved?
  • What kind of organisational criteria and/or due diligence characteristics does an agroecological initiative need to fulfil in order to become eligible for financial support
  • How to set up more (and better) financial mechanisms that can support agroecological initiatives of local communities living in drylands?


  • Daniel Moss or Angela Cordeiro - Agroecology Fund
  • Marioldy Sanchez Santivanez – AIDER, Peru

  • Jean-Marc Sinnassamy or GEF SGP person – Global Environmental Facility

  • Noel Oettle or Erna Curry – Environmental Monitoring Group (EMG)/Drynet, South Africa

  • Representative from IFAD

  • Representative from the Green Climate Fund