
Local perspectives to make gender-just climate finance a reality

UNFCCC-COP side event

In this session hosted by NTFP-EP and the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA), we will discuss the crucial steps to be taken to make gender-just climate finance a reality.

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After indigenous women set the scene and explain the urgency of locally accessible climate finance for women, we will launch the GAGGA Global Call to Action to achieve Gender-Just Climate Finance, and will dive into the recommendations with policy makers, delegation members and philanthropic institutions. Each set of recommendations will be introduced by a local GAGGA and NTFP-EP partner to clearly connect the local realities on the ground to the need for decisions at the level of our panelists. Simultaneous translation in French and Spanish will be available.

To know more about this topic, join our side event!

Participating in this session:

Maria Matui (WATED Tanzania), Adolfina Kuum (TKPT, Papua) and Cheryl Polutan (LILAK, Indonesia) as speakers.

Young Hee Lee (Adaptation Fund), Green Climate Fund (tbc), Delegation member, tbc, Joan Carling (IPAS) as panelists.

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