News / 28 September 2018

Joan Carling is awarded with the UN’s highest environmental honor!

We congratulate Joan Carling, member of the permanent commission on indigenous peoples of the UN, for having received the Lifetime Achievement Award as 'Champion of the Earth' by the UN Environment! This is the UN's highest environmental honor, given to six of the world's most outstanding environmental change makers once a year.

Champion to peoples and communities all over the globe

This recognition is Joan Carling’s well-deserved crowning glory for a life of very hard, persistent and dangerous work as an indigenous leader and women's rights activist in the  Philippines. According to UNEP “Joan Carling is recognized with the lifetime achievement award for her work as one of the world’s most prominent defenders of environmental and indigenous rights. Carling has been at the forefront of the conflict for land and the environment for more than 20 years. Her tireless and selfless fight for the environment has made her a champion to peoples and communities all over the globe.”

Continuous struggle

Indigenous peoples worldwide are protecting their living environment against large hydropower projects, encroachment by mining companies and agribusiness that lead to widespread human rights offences, environmental destruction and violence against environmental activists.  Earlier this year Joan, plus hundreds of indigenous leaders in the Philippines were tagged by PH Justice Department as ‘terrorist’, now she wins a UN award! Both ENDS has been working together with Joan, who always continued her struggle despite the difficulties and the danger, for years and we are much honored that Joan is adviser in our GAGGA-programme.


Short video with Joan Carling (2,5 minutes)

Joan Carling's full story (on UNEP website)


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