Why is the Dutch climate case against Shell important to our partners in the Global South?
On November 12th, a new ruling will be issued by the Court of Appeal in The Hague in the climate case against Shell, in which Both ENDS is a co-plaintiff. Ahead of this ruling, we asked our partners why this Dutch lawsuit is important for the Global South.
ALY SAGNE - Director Lumière Synergie pour le Développement - Senegal
"We care about our land, water and our lives. So, holding Shell to account for its climate legacy matters for the African people too."
FATOUMATA MBODJI - Communication and Advocacy officer Lumière Synergie pour le Développement - Senegal
"Together, we can ensure that the big oil companies can no longer escape their environmental responsibilities. We firmly believe that this case against Shell is an essential step for climate justice."
ALEJANDRO MEITÍN - Founder of Casa Río Lab
“The Shell oil spill, which occurred 25 years ago in the Río de la Plata, Argentina, is considered the largest freshwater disaster of its kind. This environmental event had a devastating impact on riparian ecosystems and the communities that depend on them. However, to date, Shell has not faced any penalties for its responsibility. We believe that a conviction in international instances could demonstrate forcefully that the value of justice prevails in defense of life and the environment." (Translated from Spanish)
"WAMA (Women in Action on Mining in Asia), a regional solidarity alliance raising the voices of women affected by extractive industries, strongly condems the long-standing human rights violations against the Ogoni people of Nigeria, who have been protecting their biodiversity-rich land and natural resources from environmental destruction. We have observed the suffering of our Ogoni sisters whose voices have been repeatedly suppressed by military actions. Acts of violence, unjust trials, and unimaginable cruelty against the indigenous people of Nigeria were and are, overtly and covertly, a result of Shell’s overarching power over the government and its military dictatorship.
Women and children have suffered the most, losing their health, families, access to food, and safety. The continued intimidation and violence against women must be stopped immediately. A fair trial by the International Tribunal is extremely important for the Ogoni, who have no hope for justice in their own country.
Shell operations are not only causing human rights violations but are also seriously harming the climate with emissions from their oil and gas extraction. While the Dutch government is spending public funds to combat the climate crisis, Dutch companies like Shell are destroying ecosystems and indigenous communities that take care of these ecosystems.
We, the inidenous, pastoral, rural women of Asia, demand that Shell immediately stop its environmental destruction, reduce its emissions by 45 percent, and phase out oil and gas. We appeal to the honorable court and the government of the Netherlands to intervene, halt the crimes of Shell, and uphold the principles of international human rights and the laws of Mother Earth."
FLORENCIA ORTÚZAR GREENE - Attorney Asociación Interamericana para la
Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA)
"Thank you, colleagues, for your courage in leading this strategic case against Shell, which addresses the root causes of climate injustice. Cases like this offer hope and strengthen the international movement working tirelessly for a just and peaceful world."
ARYAMPA BRIGHTON - Youth for Green Communities (YGC) - Uganda
"Solving the climate crisis is the greatest and most complex challenge that we have ever faced. But the main solution is simple, we must stop our emissions of greenhouse gases and hold major polluters accountable for the ongoing human rights abuses and livelihood disruptions. This case pronouncement is timely and important to emphasize strict adherence to Paris agreement and imposing legal obligations on shell and other major polluters."
We at Both ENDS would like to thank all partners who answered our call and send in their quotes.
Read more about this subject
Dossier /
The Climate lawsuit against Shell
Both ENDS is co-plaintiff in the climate lawsuit brought by Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth The Netherlands) in 2018 against Shell to stop the company from causing harm to the climate. In 2021, the judge ruled in favor of the climate, but unfortunately the company appealed. The court will therefore render its verdict at the end of 2024.
Press release / 12 november 2024
Ruling climate case Shell: "Shell has an obligation to protect human rights."
The Hague, 12 November 2024 - The court has ruled in Shell's appeal in the Climate Case that Milieudefensie won against Shell in 2021. The Court of Appeal has ruled that the oil and gas giant has a responsibility to reduce its emissions, but has not imposed a reduction obligation.
News / 27 november 2020
Climate case against Shell is particularly crucial for the Global South
Next week, the climate case brought against Royal Dutch Shell by Dutch environmental organisation Milieudefensie is due to start. Milieudefensie hopes to force the company to stop causing dangerous climate change and adopt a more sustainable course. Six Dutch organisations have decided to become co-plaintiffs in the case. They include ActionAid and Both ENDS, organisations that work outside the Netherlands on human rights, gender equality, environment and sustainable development. Though, at first glance, the case may not seem relevant to them, nothing is farther from the truth, as Nils Mollema of ActionAid and Niels Hazekamp of Both ENDS explain.
Press release / 5 april 2019
Press release: Friends of the Earth Netherlands submits legal summons in climate case against Shell
The Hague, April 5, 2019 - Today Friends of the Earth Netherlands will deliver a court summons to Shell to legally compel the company to cease its destruction of the climate, on behalf of more than 30,000 people from 70 countries. A 236 page complaint will be delivered to Shell's International Headquarters in the Hague this afternoon by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, ActionAid NL, Both ENDS, Fossielvrij NL, Greenpeace NL,Young Friends of the Earth NL, Waddenvereniging and a large group of co-plaintiffs.
News / 10 november 2022
African women raise their voice ahead of COP27 and call for climate justice
In October 2022, 150 women from 14 African Countries gathered in Port Harcourt, Nigeria for the first African Women's Climate Assembly. The aim of this Assembly was to strengthen and unify women-led struggles against dirty extractives and false solutions to the climate crisis in West and Central Africa, and propose the real development solutions that support women's interests in a good and decent life and livelihoods in a time of climate crisis.
News / 2 april 2024
The Climate lawsuit against Shell
Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands) and 6 other organisations are confidently heading into Shell’s appeal of the 2021 climate ruling, which will take place on April 2nd in The Hague. In the landmark lawsuit against the oil and gas company, the court decided that Shell must slash its CO2 emissions by 45%, in line with international climate agreements.
News / 12 april 2019
Sara Crespo Suarez: "Agriculture in Bolivia is severely impacted by climate change"
We asked three of our partner organisations to tell us how climate change is already affecting the daily lives of the people they work with, what they are doing to turn the tide and if they think the Climate Court Case against Shell can be important in the context of climate change. Sara Crespo Suarez of our Bolivian partner Probioma explains how the effects are already being felt in her country.
News / 28 mei 2021
Ruling in the climate case against Shell is a victory for the whole world
"Historical verdict", "unique decision", "landslide victory". Superlatives flew to our ears in the media yesterday, when it became clear that the judge ruled that Royal Dutch Shell must reduce its CO2 emissions by 45% by the year 2030. For the plaintiffs, including Both ENDS, the verdict is very hopeful, as it was for many co-plaintiffs and citizens interested in this court case.
News / 7 augustus 2018
Indigenous women fight dams in Guatemala
Communities from Northern Guatemala have filed a complaint this week against the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). They bear the brunt of the construction of two large hydropower dams in the Ixquisis region, that are co-financed by the IDB. This is against the bank's own policies on environment and sustainability, indigenous people, gender, and information disclosure.
News / 21 maart 2019
Jahin Shams Sakkhar: "20 million Bangladeshi might have to move because of sea level rise"
We asked three of our partner organisations to tell us how climate change is already affecting the daily lives of the people they work with, what they are doing to turn the tide and if they think the Climate Court Case against Shell can be important in the context of climate change. Jahin Shams Sakkhar of UTTARAN (Bangladesh) talks about floods, salinity and (in)justice.
News / 19 maart 2019
Ana di Pangracio: "Degradation of wetlands, worsened by climate change, is a recipe for disaster"
We asked three of our partner organisations to tell us how climate change is already affecting the daily lives of the people they work with, what they are doing to turn the tide and if they think the Climate Court Case against Shell can be important in the context of climate change. Ana di Pangracio, working for FARN (Argentina) tells us about climate threats to large wetlands, while these same wetlands are crucial in mitigating global climate change.
Press release / 26 maart 2019
Wealthy Dutch investors to disinvest personal capital worth 200 million euros from the fossil industry
Joint press release from Both ENDS and Fossielvrij NL - 26 March 2019
A group of 22 wealthy Dutch investors have decided to disinvest all their personal capital, worth a total of 200 million euros, from the top 200 oil, gas and coal companies. The investors have pledged to disinvest all their capital from the fossil industry within three to five years. By doing so, they are giving a clear signal that they do not want their capital to contribute to disastrous climate change.
Press release / 26 mei 2021
Historic victory: judge forces Shell to drastically reduce CO2 emissions
The Hague, 26 May 2021 - For the first time in history, a judge has held a corporation liable for causing dangerous climate change. Today, as a result of legal action brought by Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) together with 17,000 co-plaintiffs and six other organisations (ActionAid Netherlands, Both ENDS, Fossil Free Netherlands, Greenpeace Netherlands, Young Friends of The Earth Netherlands and the Wadden Sea Association) the court in The Hague ruled that Shell must reduce its CO2 emissions by 45% within 10 years. This historic verdict has enormous consequences for Shell and other big polluters globally.
Dossier /
The Netherlands and the SDGs: A better world starts with yourself
In 2015, the member states of the United Nations committed themselves to the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unlike their predecessors, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs recognise the importance of equality within and between countries, of decision-making processes in which all people are included and heard, and of legal systems that are independent and accessible to all.
External link / 2 juli 2024
News / 5 november 2019
Guatemalan women force Development Bank to investigate gender policy violations
After a complaint filed by women's groups from Ixquisis, Guatemala, the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) has started an investigation on several policy violations, amongst which the Gender Equality policy. This is a unique chance to create a precedent, because complaints on the IDB's gender policy are very rare. The women from Ixquisis are fighting for their rights with support of the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA).
News / 8 maart 2019
Campaign "We, women are water" launched on International Women's Day
During the month of March, and as part of International Women's Day (March 8th) and World Water Day (March 22nd), the organizations that constitute GAGGA-Latin America, will lead a joint campaign called "We, women are water".
News / 26 oktober 2022
Senegal: 26 innocent people including Both ENDS' partner arrested in Senegal
Update October 27th:
Today our friends have been released after five nights in detention. We welcome this great news and we are happy and relieved that Babacar Diouf and the others who were arrested will soon be back with their loved ones.
Nonetheless this was a very bad signal from Senegalese authorities and police and an indication of the growing restriction on civic space in Senegal. It is unacceptable that freedom of expression is restricted, people should not have to go to jail for peacefully expressing their opinion - especially when their livelihood is at stake.
External link / 19 juni 2020
A Senegal community beats back coal (Annual Report 2019)
After many years of resistance, in 2019 residents of Bargny, Senegal welcomed the shutdown of a coal plant in their community, as local fisherwomen retain access to their fish drying grounds. The case shows how complaint mechanisms can be a powerful tool to enforce change.
Press release / 26 augustus 2020
Dutch pension funds invest in deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
Dutch pension money is invested heavily in companies that contribute to deforestation in the Amazon region and the Cerrado savanna in Brazil, such as soy, animal feed and beef companies. This is concluded in a report published today by Profundo, commisioned by the Fair Finance Guide, Hivos and Both ENDS. All ten pension funds that were examined invest in these types of companies, with the ABP pension fund and Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn on top with investments worth EUR 580 million and EUR 383 million respectively.